Nordmeccanica sales office is primarily an investment consulting office. All our customers have been able to experience how, at the presentation of projects or production needs, the response of the sales team has always been focused on maximizing the value of their investment.
Every offer request is evaluated in the light of the broader data base of the industry. With several thousand installations we have in fact accumulated an unparalleled know-how. This allows the sales network to assist the customer step by step, and to produce, for each project, a performance guarantee, the most important analysis tool for those who intend to invest in new machinery. All this is possible thanks to a structure formed by skilled sales technicians, and thanks to an extensive network of communication between the sales structure and the technical/technological one in the definition of the project.
Further strengths that distinguish Nordmeccanica are certainly the use of state-of-the-art technologies for communication with the customer, and the possibility of using wide-web machinery as a demo unit in the study phase of the project; unique characteristics, these, not only in our specific sector but in general in the world of industrial machinery manufacturers.